Just a mile from the Potomac River, in Alexandria, Virginia and overlooking the nation's capitol, stands the 333 ft. George Washington Masonic National Memorial on historic Shooters Hill.

Dedicated to the memory of George Washington-Patriot, President, Mason - the Memorial was dedicated on May 12, l932, as an expression of the Masonic fraternity's faith in the principles of civil and religious liberty and orderly government. George Washington’s Masonic Life A Chronology
The George Washington Masonic National Memorial was constructed entirely with voluntary contributions from members of the Masonic Fraternity. The Memorial Association is the only unified effort of all of the Grand Lodges in the United States. The construction of this beautiful, awe-inspiring Memorial was the single most important 20th century successful endeavor by the entire Masonic fraternity. Each Grand Lodge is a sovereign body in its own territorial jurisdiction but the love and reverence for George Washington by the Masons in this country is amply demonstrated by the collective effort of all of the jurisdictions to keep this Memorial to Washington, the Mason, a living reality.

333 a foundation for building our spiritual temple of the inner self.
Whig; dat intersting, I have family and friends that are Masons. I was brought up in the Templars religion/Cult; Jehovah's Witnesses.
Although I've popped out the other side and have naturally noticed and been in Sync with 3:33 I'm not a mason by 'sect' or officialy fratnertiy, just been naturally illuminated by the sacred 7 leafed original inspirational medicine :)
Peace and 1Love sah!
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