United Nations, Occult, Masons
6+6+6 = ?
As JasGrave333 notes, "The picture centered above is not a cultic CGI chapel from a computer game, but the Temple of Understanding at the United Nations.
"Notice the symbol at the bottom of the UN Temple central alter (sic)? "Yes, the crossed symbol of the Square and Compass, the Free Masonry symbol."
Free Mason symbols are not just at home in Manhattan and Washington, they are maintained in just about every corner of the globe.
Masonic Lodge 911 is located on Delaware Road in Kenmore.
Courtesy of Dan Walther, a major in an Army National Guard unit based at the
Connecticut Street Armory, there's now a Masonic lodge in Iraq.
"A third-generation Mason, Walther joined Master Builder Masonic Lodge 911 in Kenmore when he was 21, eventually serving as the lodge's master.Now 46, the Town of Tonawanda resident is returning to his base just north of Tikrit after a 15-day leave. (Ryan Haggerty, The Buffalo News, June 21, 2005). "He rejoined the National Guard's Engineer Brigade, 32nd Infantry Division, and will serve as the master of Land, Sea and Air Masonic Lodge 1, the only Masonic Lodge in Iraq.
"The United States is home to more than 13,000 Masonic lodges, whose members adhere to a motto of "friendship, morality and brother love," according to the Grand Lodge of the State of New York's Web site.Masons are dedicated to doing good, not operating underground, Walther said.
"Masonry is not a secret society," he said."Masonry is a society with secrets.If we were a secret society, we wouldn't have signs outside our buildings."
Opening a lodge outside Saddam Hussein's hometown required help from Masons across New York, Walther said.
Saddam and the Masons have a lot in common: both have a love affair with the occult.
"The Grand Lodge of the State of New York and all the Masons have been extremely supportive of everything we've done," Walther said."When the word got around, there was a bunch of red tape to cut through, and everybody jumped up and said, "What can I do?"
New York's Masonic War veterans provided Walther with the supplies he needed at no cost.
The Masons' tight knit relationships should attract new members from the base, Walther said.
"Walther's commitment to Masonry is so deep that he kept his return home a secret from everyone, including his family, so that he could surprise his friend Kent Dorney when Dorney was sworn in as master of the Kenmore lodge.Walther arrived home on Memorial Day, but he had to hide from Dorney, who lies a half-mile away, until the ceremony five days later.The surprise was worth the wait," Dorney said.
Saddam, whose mother was a fortuneteller, merely "reads" the desert sands.
As untold tourists can tell you, the UN has its own soothsayer, Sri Chimnoy, who "reads" hands upon request.
But surely among bureaucratic babble centers, the European Union holds the most unique position in the world of the occult.
Located in the City of Brussels where spelling "Christ" with a capital "C" can get you a fine, the EU has a love affair with the number 666.
Included in the Report on the opening of the Fifth Elected Parliament of Europe in Strasbourg and its occupancy of the new Parliament Buildings, by Ian R.K. Paisley, M.P., M.E.P., is a description of the vacant seat Number 66 in the European Parliament:" The prophetic significance of the European Union has been revealed as the saga unfolds. (See our first two articles on "The Conspiracy behind the European Union".)First, the sign, which it chose as its symbol, was the Woman riding the Beast.This comes from a prophecy in Revelation 17.The depiction of the harlot woman was reproduced on the centenary stamp of the European Union, in a huge painting in the Parliament's new building in Brussels, and by a huge sculpture outside the new E.U. Council of Ministers Office in Brussels.The new European coinage, the Euro, bears the same insignia.The Tower of Babel has been used on the posters emanating from Europe—a truly suggestive prophetic sign.
"Now, a massive Crystal Palace tower (unofficially called the Tower Building) houses the Fifth Parliament of Europe.
"It is certainly a building of the Space Age.The seats of its massive hemicycle are designed like the crew seats in the Star Trek space machines.There are 679 of them—but wait for it!While these seats are allocated to Members, one seat remains unallocated and unoccupied.The number of that seat is 666.The relevant section of the seating-plan provided to each member reads as follows:
655 Couteaux
656 Fitzsimons
657 Hyland
658 Kuntz
659 De La Perriere
660 Marchiani
661 Montfort
662 Quiero
663 Souchet
664 Thomas-Mauro
665 Zissener
666 ----------------
667 Cappato
668 Turco
669 Bonino
670 Pannella
671 Dupuis
672Della Vedova
673 Dell'Alba
674Gorostiaga Atxalandabaso
675 Gobbo
676 Speroni
677 Bossi
678 Formentini
679 Crowley
"Revelation 13:18: "Here is wisdom.Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six Hundred threescore and six."That is 666.
"Today this scripture is being fulfilled before our very eyes.
"The Antichrist's seat will be occupied.The world awaits his full and final development.The Lord will destroy him by the spirit of His mouth (the Word of God) and by the brightness of his coming (2 Thes. 2:8).The coming of the Lord draweth nigh."